Our third key area focuses on holding Princeton to its values. We're committed to creating a campus grounded in transparency and
dialogue. Through reform of policies like the disciplinary process, increased
public meetings with admin and bringing diverse student perspectives to the
table, we'll advocate for a Princeton accountable to you.
Student Voices
Fighting for the inclusion of student voices in University Decision making through direct community engagement with decision makers.
Creating a more open line of communication to USG through weekly office hours and coffee-chats
​Channeling critical USG resources to support affinity groups on campus
Appointing USG Liaisons, through the USLC, to work with the Davis IC Center, GSRC, EBCAO, SHARE and more​
Enhancing the Student Leaders experience by making OA/CA/DDA/International Orientation Leaders paid roles
Assessing equity and support provided for year-long student leader roles
Including student voices more actively in the construction and renovation process on campus
Disciplinary Reform
Reconvene USG's Working Group on Discipline, connecting with advocates from across the campus, such as Peer Reps, to identify and advance student interests
Advocate for increased due process in the disciplinary process, by focusing on the following areas: impartial fact finders, meaningful hearings, and transparent evidentiary processes
Pushing for increased transparency, through published materials and information, about the disciplinary processes at Princeton​​